Blog Design Digital Imaging Photography

Creamy Bokeh vs Sharp Depth

This week we explore APERTURE! High aperture vs low aperture, creamy shallow dept bokeh vs tack sharp photos. “Dept of field” can be easily manipulated with the use of the camera’s F/. Shallow depth ranges from f/2.8 – 5.6 while deep depth ranges from f/16 – f/22.

This week I was blessed to have my cat as my primary model to capture shallow depth of field. Her name is Alakazam and she’s still a little baby so go easy on her. I got her from the Idaho Falls pound and as you can see she is not camera shy at all.

This week has been terribly cold! To avoid going out, I focused my shallow-depth shots indoors as the lower aperture allows me to have less light for my shots.

A high aperture requires more light so I had to begrudgingly leave the comforts of an A/C and shoot some crispy shots.

Shallow Depth

Alakazam – 1.21.23 – 4:37 pm – Windsor Manor, Rexburg – 50mm – f2.8 – 1/100 sec – ISO 12800 – Sony A7iv – (24-70GMii)
Smoky Records – 1.23.23 – 4:37 pm – Windsor Manor, Rexburg – 24mm – f2.8 – 1/60 sec – ISO 100 – Sony A7iv – (24-70GMii)
Alakazam – 1.21.23 – 4:37 pm – Windsor Manor, Rexburg – 50mm – f2.8 – 1/160 sec – ISO 4000 – Sony A7iv – (24-70GMii)

Deep Depth

Crispy Leaves, Snowy Skies – 1.20.23 – 1:37 pm – BYU-Idaho Hart Building, Rexburg – 24mm – f22 – 1/10 sec – ISO 400 – Sony A7iv – (24-70GMii)
City Parking – 1.20.23 – 3:07 pm – 125 E 2nd S, Rexburg – 80mm – f16 – 1/80 sec – ISO 800 – Sony A7iv – (70-200GM)

4 replies on “Creamy Bokeh vs Sharp Depth”

Chester! I love the way that your photos turned out this week. My favorite photo is the cat being held up by a hand, the way that you can see all the detail in her face is awesome. Ashley also posted a really cool photo of her cat (
The city parking photo also turned out so cool! The red and blue colors really stand out and make the shot more interesting. Here is a link to my blog!

I Love your pictures of the cats!!!!!!! Are they your cats and if so what are their names and how old? The shallow-depth image of the record player is amazing! How were you able to get the steam rolling off of it? Also, can I just say I love the name of your blog? Creamy bokeh versus sharp depth that’s amazing! you should check out this blog and mine!

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